Why Dance?

There’s Big Benefits

  • Overview

    The power of dance is tremendous & transformative. It is an underutilized, underrated, and overlooked tool to solve big problems.

  • Social

    Dancing makes us feel more connected & bonded to the people we dance with; increasing liking, trust, sense of similarity, prosocial behavior, and cooperation.

  • Thinking

    Dancing makes our brains think sharper. Depending on how we dance, our ability to problem solve & generate creative ideas will expand.

  • Emotional

    Dancing changes how we feel. It can help combat depression, anxiety, and stress while boosting esteem & confidence.

  • Physical

    Dancing is an accessible workout that benefits the body. Dancers gain strength, balance & coordination while benefiting the heart.

  • Spiritual

    Dancing connects us to something greater than ourselves. It’s a place of refuge that brings us to the present moment & allows us to self-transcend.

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